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TEMPORARY FENCING buyer & importer

[IL] [F1045995] 以色列求购临时围栏(Temporary Fencing) (08-16)
  Dear Sir/Madam, This is from IL. I'm looking for products with the following specifications: 2m hight with 3m width fence with joints and stands. please see photo ***: please get back to me via
[AU] [F723286] 澳大利亚求购临时性栅栏(Temporary Fencing) (03-21)
  could you please give me a price on 3000 of these temporary fences the steel frame is made from galvanize 20 millimeter. The wall is 2 millimeter.The chain mesh is 2.5 millimeter the diamonds in the ...
[AU] [F272945] 澳大利亚求购临时护栏(Temporary Fencing) (10-27)
  please​ sand​ me​ quotation​ for​ temporary​ fancing​ lenght​ 2400​ height​ 1800​ suport​ pipes​ 40​ mm​ with&...
[AU] [F271739] 澳大利亚求购临时护栏(Temporary Fencing) (10-25)
  Dear sir/ms We​ have​ been​ asked​ by​ one​ of​ our​ clients​ ,to​ procure​ quotations​ for​ temporary​ galvaninized...
[AU] [F167151] 澳大利亚求购护栏(temporary fencing) (03-14)
  We are intersted in temporary fencing. Can you please give us a quote on a separate panel plus weights and also another quorte on a 40' container load. Your earliest reply would be very much appreci...
[IT] [F167129] 意大利求购护栏(temporary fencing) (03-14)
  We are a company based in Cyprus that we manufacture and import construction machinery and tools and also temporary fencings for constructions. (From Italy ) We are interested for the sizes 3,50X 2...
[US] [F163841] 美国求购护栏(temporary fencing) (03-11)
  Hello, I need some temporary fencing (alum) for a portable amusement ride we manufacture. Do you have something like this as a stock item? If everything is custom… qty’s are 10 per r...
[KE] [F107258] 肯尼亚求购栅栏围护网(temporary fencing) (05-05)
  Dear Sir/madam I am writing to inquire more about the temporary fencing(especially for construction sites) that you have available. Also I would be intrested to know whether it will be possib...
[AU] [F80917] 澳洲求购护栏网(TEMPORARY FENCING) (03-12)
  could you please give me a price on 1000 of these temporary fences the steel frame is made from galinize 20 millimeter the wall is 2 millimeter the chain mesh is 2.5 millimeter the diamonds in the fen...

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