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wire mesh fence buyer & importer

[EE] [F49950] 爱沙尼亚求购护拦网(wire mesh fence) (10-30)
  Dear mr/mrs We are a company who manufactures wrought iron fences.We look for a business partner where to buy wire fences to selling in ouer country.Pleas send the prices. Double Wire Fence galva...
[NG] [F49208] 尼日利亚求购防护网(wire mesh fence) (10-20)
  Kindly quote for fench (wiremesh, metal posts, barbed tape, accessories) with (1) plastic coat finish, (2) galvanised iron with the following specifications. The fence is for seaport purpose. ...
[DE] [F39905] 德国求购护拦网(wire mesh fence) (06-26)
  Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We are a german company trading with fences and we are also in Fence construction. We are interested in a supplier able to deliver franco to the city of Bochum, Germany. ...

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