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Frisbee buyer & importer

[UK] [F426606] 英国求购飞盘(frisbee) (04-05)
  Hello, My name is Sjoerd Bastiaansen and I am mailing you on behalf of the student council at the Delft University of Technology. I am interested in ordering promotional frisbees. Can you tell me t...
[VN] [F426279] 越南求购飞盘(frisbee) (04-03)
  This is Phan. I am interested in the following product: Product:175g frisbee; Material: Plastic; Plastic Type: PP; Please provide a detailed quotation for this/ or similar product including pr...
[MY] [F426087] 马来西亚求购飞盘(frisbee) (04-02)
  Hi. can i know the price for this frisbee and the specs also? i wish to buy around 50pieces.
[CR] [F425734] 哥斯达黎加求购飞盘(frisbee) (03-31)
  Hi Mr , Greetings and blessings.This is Marco from Producciones Sayfo Intl. Our company are involved in the promotional products market in Costa Rica - Central America for the last 30 years.Please you...
[BG] [F425559] 保加利亚求购飞盘(frisbee) (03-29)
  We​ are​ one​ of​ the​ leading​ importer​ and​ distrubutor​ on​ the​ Bulgarian​ Market,​ dealing​ with​ promot...
[HK] [F425505] 中国香港求购飞盘(frisbee) (03-29)
  Hi , Could you send me the best offer for the frisbee as per details , Enclosed you will find pictures and the logo. Material: Nylon Logo: 2 colours (blue and white or green and white) with a dig...
[CH] [F424559] 瑞士求购飞盘(frisbee) (03-25)
  Re.​ Price​ request​ /​ frisbee​ "Schulthess" Pls​ kindly​ let​ us​ know​ your​ very​ best​ price​ for​ the&#...
[UK] [F424405] 英国求购飞盘(frisbee) (03-24)
  Javier Culzoni/Fernando Mancuello MC Productions We are a US based company doing business is South America for several organizations offering quality merchandise and promotional items for events o...
[FR] [F424275] 法国求购飞盘(frisbee) (03-24)
  Hello, For a french fashion company. We would like to develop an accessory for our customer : a frisbee. I am looking for a supplier able to provide an innovation or something different on the mark...
[CH] [F424098] 瑞士求购20cm飞盘(20cm frisbee) (03-24)
  Hello,How are you ?I'm looking for white nylon frisbee, size 20cm, one colour print on one side, including a pouch printed with a logo.What is your best price for 10'000 units (first shot) ?Thanks.Dar...
[US] [F423805] 美国求购促销飞盘(Frisbee Wholesale Promotional Products) (03-21)
  Frisbee Wholesale Promotional Products China 1.Foldable for easy carry 2.High quality with cheap price for sports
[CA] [F423802] 加拿大求购玩具飞盘(frisbee) (03-21)
  Looking for our logo on these do you do that? We would want blue with our logo in yellow.
[FR] [F423794] 法国求购塑料/橡胶飞盘(Plastic or rubber frisbee) (03-21)
  Plastic or rubber frisbee between 25-30 cm diameter printed delivered to France 2000 ex no need of special package Thx
[GR] [F422944] 希腊求购飞盘(frisbee) (03-17)
  I​ am​ looking​ for​ an​ Inquiry​ for​ frisbee Quantity​ 10.000pcs​ or​ 15.000pcs​ or​ 20.000​ pcs​ Logo​ f...
[SG] [F422442] 马来西亚求购玩具飞盘(frisbee) (03-13)
  hi we need frisbees​ about​ 500​ pcs​ ​ in​ plain​ colored​ .​ do​ you​ have​ stock​ and​ how​ much​ wi...
[OM] [F420697] 阿曼求购飞盘(frisbee) (03-06)
  Please​ send​ me​ the​ price​ details​ with​ the​ delivery​ to​ Dubai​ (min.​ quanitity)
[BO] [F420066] 玻利维亚求购飞盘(frisbee) (03-04)
  The big order.​ Send​ picture​ of​ types​ of​ frisbee Diameter​ of​ disc​ to​ define​ send​ diameters​ available.​...
[CL] [F420064] 智利求购玩具飞盘(frisbee) (03-04)
  We bought this​ product​ about​ 4​ times​ during​ the​ year,​ our​ purchase​ orders​ exceeding​ 100,000​ units​ per&...
[IL] [F419739] 以色列求购飞盘(frisbee) (03-03)
  We are interested​ in​ your​ product​ of​ plastic​ frisbee​ in​ a​ quantity​ of​ 10,000pcs​ and​ more... with​ our&...
[TR] [F419457] 土耳其求购飞盘(frisbee) (02-28)
  Dear Sir/Madam We​ need​ frisbee.​ There​ will​ be​ 4​ color​ print​ or​ sticker​ on​ them.We​ need​ price​ f...

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