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Vibration Transmitter buyer & importer

[UK] [F1002316] 英国求购振动变送器(bruel & kjaer vibration transmitter) (08-09)
  Sample Purchase|采购数量: 3 Pieces 发布地点:United Kingdom This is Kfrom HK. I'm looking for products with the following specifications: Transmitter made by Bruel&Kjaer type: OD-051 Qnty:3 Please send ...
[CA] [F831065] 加拿大求购振动变送器(Vibration Transmitter) (02-02)
  Hello, We recently used your Vibration Transmitter, model 53290 in a unit of ours, and we need a copy of an IOM for the close out package. Can you please provide us with a copy? Thanks very much!

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