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ipl beauty machine buyer & importer

[FR] [F835908] 法国求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (03-05)
  Hello, You could please send me your IPL list of price list(rate). Thank you.
[FR] [F835907] 法国求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (03-05)
  hello thanck you for giving me your rates for model ipl for personal.
[GE] [F835904] 美国求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (03-05)
  Hello dear Sir/Madam. My name is Mikheil and i represent big company from Turkey. We buy dental products in China and now looking for more. Please send me list of your IPL products including prices...
[GH] [F835903] 加纳求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (03-05)
  Dear Sir/Ma'am I am Dr John kuffor, Md/Ceo of Elegant supplies ltd. I am interested in buying large quantities of your company IPL products, we would be grateful if u can send us in expediate-c...
[ID] [F835597] 印度尼西亚求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (03-01)
  We are importer of medical supplies Please send me your IPL MACHINE. Thanks Emanuel Vianney PT, JITRON INDONESIA
[ID] [F835594] 印度尼西亚求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (03-01)
  I am a Dr in Indonesia and would like t resell tens to my patients. I need to know prices and technical BEAUTY MACHINE specifics
[IT] [F835566] 意大利求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (03-01)
  Hello there, Could you please let me know the cost of the small portable, home-use IPL machine, and the price for a sample. And how much the replacement lamps cost. Thanks in advance Danny
[AE] [F835503] 阿拉伯求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (03-01)
[AU] [F835492] 澳大利亚求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (03-01)
  Hi, I'd like to know pricing and MOQ for IPLequipment. Also please provide further information on safety, use and results. My email address is
[AU] [F835484] 澳大利亚求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (03-01)
  I'm interested in your • ipl hair removal machine with medicak ce Triple counter system: 3 Changeable treatment heads aiming at various symptoms Standard: HR,SR,VR handles Light source
[AU] [F835359] 澳大利亚求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (02-29)
  Would you be able to let me know how much the mini portable IPL equipment is . Thank you.
[AU] [F835353] 澳大利亚求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (02-29)
  Hello, are they a good IPL product? I would like to buy about 10 so how much shipping and your cost to Australia please? Waiting for your reply. Thank you.
[BR] [F835343] 巴西求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (02-29)
  Hi , How Much for the IPL + shipping at Santos Port SP Brazil.
[BR] [F835342] 巴西求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (02-29)
  Hello Dear Supplier Do you provide samples for IPL of the product? I am a small importer of various types of products, would like to know your products. Please send me spreadsheets w...
[BR] [F835197] 巴西求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (02-29)
  I'm interested in your • Portable IPL and Cavitation Equipment-Bella apollo ipl Acne, comedo and acne scars removal ipl CE Certificate IPL portable design Touch Screen easy operation 7 filte...
[BR] [F835196] 巴西求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (02-29)
  Hi, I'm interested about your portable mini ipl machine, but I still have a few doubts: 1- What is its maximum fluence? 2- What is the maximum continuos working time? 3- What is the interval time...
[CM] [F835191] 喀麦隆求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (02-29)
  I'm interested in your • 2011 beauty IPL unisex salon and facial equipment IPL unisex salon and facial equipment can treat acne and remove hair, also serve for skin rejuvenation. CE approval...
[CL] [F835190] 智利求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (02-29)
  I'm interested in your • fur skinning machine IPL machine for hair removal,Speckle removal and skin cavitation ))Have CE approval 2)Skin rejuvenation 3)Unwanted hair removal 4)Acne clearance...
[CA] [F835187] 加拿大求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (02-29)
  I'm interested in your • home use IPL for hair removal and skin cavitation machine IPL hair removal machine Portable equipment can treat acne and remove hair,also serve for skin rejuvenation...
[CA] [F835186] 加拿大求购美容仪器(ipl beauty machine) (02-29)
  Please send me more information on your home use IPL and skin care Equipment-Ella

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