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[PK] [F862347] 巴基斯坦求购背景板(background) (08-23)
  I am interested in your product. Kindly let me know the prices and minimum order and size of sheets. Regards, Hassan Dar
[PT] [F862346] 葡萄牙求购背景板(background) (08-23)
  hi can you tell me what the price for background with 170x60 cm regards
[NL] [F862345] 荷兰求购背景板(background) (08-23)
  Dear sir/madam is it possible to order a large aquarium background and have it send to the Netherlands. What would the cost be for it? The background would need to be for an aquarium 400 x 55 cm...
[NO] [F862344] 挪威求购背景板(Background) (08-23)
  Hi, would it be possible to have the background made in the size of 130x50cm, and in two or three pieces, which are naturally connected together? Regards, Roy

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