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safety valves buyer & importer

[BR] [F855358] 巴西求购阀门(safety valves) (07-09)
  Need a safety valve for air and oil tank with external spring, following data, range from 18 to 40 bar, system flow rate 200 liters per minute, pipe flange 2 inches. No more grateful!
[PK] [F734132] 巴基斯坦求购求购安全阀(Safety Valves) (06-08)
  One of our Regular Client (an Engineering Concern) require following: Item No.1) Description: Spring Loaded Full Bore Type Safety Valve Location: Upper Steam Drum Fluid: Saturated Steam ...
[TH] [F537889] 泰国求购安全阀(SAFETY VALVES 3060 ) (05-31)
  Dear Sales, Please quote me the best price and delivery lead time following below item.- CASTEL SAFETY VALVES 3060 SET PRESSURE @ 23BAR ART. 3060/45C230 Q扵Y 50 PCS. Best Regards. Phee Uth...
[PK] [F182411] 巴基斯坦求购安全阀(safety valves) (04-18)
  dear sirfirst we would like to introduce our company as an indenting and trading business in pakistan since last 10 years, we have extensive clients in refineries, oil and gas, as well as petrochemica...
[CH] [F85602] 瑞士求购求购安全阀((safety valves for thermal power) (06-19)
  We need safety valves for thermal power stations - producing safety valves for thermal power stations - The Safety valves shout responde to the rules of the ASME Boiler Code Sction I.

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