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[IN] [F1024308] 印度求购卧式冻结柜(chest freezer) (03-27)
  Do you participate in Hotlex Shanghai show. We want to buy 50 / 60 Ltrs table top freezer close to your model Mini D 60. Please connect with me at
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[ID] [F966392] 印尼求购卧式冻结柜(chest freezer) (11-18)
  Need dukers 1000L double door chest freezer, I would like some more details. I am looking for spec is: 1. capacity: 1000L 2. temperature: -40°C 3. blower inner box 4. AC/DC I look forward for yo...
[SG] [F870994] 新加坡求购卧式冻结柜(Chest Freezer) (11-30)
  please refer n read our buying inquiry..We required one 40 foot 220/300/400 litre -1st ordertop door opning.

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