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copper coated wire buyer & importer

[RU] [F533167] 俄罗斯求购铜漆包线(copper-coated wire) (04-20)
  Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Adele Kalinina, I am a foreign trader at a Russian trading company Global Import Co., Ltd. We are an established company located in Krasnoyarsk city, Russia, dealing wi...
[IR] [F77672] 伊朗求购铜包钢丝(copper coated wire) (01-02)
  I am comming china to visit some companies for wire mesh. Can you supply wire mesh? I will be happy If I can be visit you for copper coated wire,which we have imported from china by another company...
[PK] [F52637] 巴基斯坦求购镀铜丝(copper coated wire) (11-27)
  I want to buy =copper coated wires - or- copper galvanized wires -or- Electrode Coper wires = about 100MT immediately. Mr. siraj
[BD] [F39514] 孟加拉国求购铜包钢丝(copper coated wire) (06-14)
  I want to buy copper coated steel wires,which can be used in electricity cable instead of the copper,the wire diameter is 0.60mm--1.3mm,about 100MT immediately

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