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Thiophenol buyer & importer

[IN] [F389033] 印度求购硫酚(Thiophenol) (09-18)
  Thiophenol CAS: 108-98-5 Description:Quantity: 2 MT Looking for a supplier for Thiophenol. If you have such product, please kindly contact us.
[KR] [F381100] 韩国求购苯硫酚(Thiophenol) (08-14)
  Thiophenol "Cas no.: 108-98-5 Quantity: 100Kg ~ 1,000Kg Quality Standards: 98% Good Noon I have to find CasNo.108-98-5 and if you possible please let me know for unit price by FOB B...
[IN] [F360745] 印度求购苯硫酚(thiophenol) (03-26)
  we are wholesale N supplier, Industrial Agricultural chemicals, we have customer enquiry for thiophenol. if you product it, and send us the price and specification.
[IN] [F183756] 印度求购苯硫酚(Thiophenol) (04-20)
  Dear Sir, This is with ref to our telecom with you earlier today. I would like to introduce myself as Geetha, Research Analyst at Beroe Inc. We are a procurement intelligence firm which provides p...
[UA] [F88808] 乌克兰求购苯硫酚(Thiophenol) (08-28)
  Dear Sir! we are Ukrainian company Farmhim LTD. For our Manufacture we need 1500 kgs of Thiophenol Cas 108-98- 5. We can't find the Manufactures of this product in India. Please give us the price on...

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