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fire extinguishi buyer & importer

[PH] [F916767] 菲律宾求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  Im interested to import empty cylinder for fire extinguisher can you send me a lowest price of yours? how many is the minimum order? kindly send to by the way send also all of product you carry. thank...
[QA] [F916766] 卡塔尔求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  We want to know more about your Bladder Tank Foam suppression system and, therefore, please let us have more information / datasheets including pricing information. Thanks and Best Regards,
[SN] [F916764] 塞内加尔求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  we need quotation for 500 pcs of sprinklers head 1/2" brass
[AE] [F916763] 阿联酋求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  am interested to know more about the FM200 and CO2 extinguishing system you have please provide me with data sheet and prices.
[NG] [F916762] 尼日利亚求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  I'm Interesting in your CONCEALED SPRINKLERS FUSIBLE ELEMENT METAL SPINKLER DRACTIVE HEAD SIZE: r1/2" R 3/4" BULB : 57c,68c,93c,5MM BULB PLATE :57C, 74C 50PCS/CTNS Hello I am so excited that I ...
[US] [F916761] 美国求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  I'm Interesting in your WOFU FIRE & SECURITY EQUIPMENT CO LTD Interested in urgent purchase, is there discount if make big order?
[AE] [F916760] 阿联酋求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  Good Day, We are a leading service provider in UAE at lifeboat, Davit, liferaft, Marine Fire & Gas Equipment maintenance & load testing in Marine industry. We are looking forward to be an agent of ...
[US] [F916759] 美国求购灭火器(fire extinguishi) (06-03)
  Hello, We are interested in your product fire extinguishi. Please reconfirm your product detail and include your terms in your respond.

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