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[IT] [F921930] 意大利求购采光板(FRP corrugated sheet) (08-25)
  buongiorno,ero interessato al vostro prodotto, ho un ampliamento di un capannone da fare e mi servivano n 20 pannelli di lunghezza 4000mm, larghezza 1100mm circa e spessore 2 mm circa e n 3 pannelli l...
[AE] [F921765] 阿联酋求购采光板(FRP corrugated sheet) (08-21)
  Dear Ms. , Please send me your best price for FRP corrugated sheet
[JO] [F921764] 约旦求购采光板(FRP corrugated sheet) (08-21)
  Dear sar Please send us your prices for a trial order for your range of FRP corrugated sheet and their specifications Pest Regards Nabil Abu-hammda This is urgent. Please reply within three days

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