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[RO] [F945897] 罗马尼亚求购OCA真空层压机(OCA Vacuum laminating machine for LCD refurbishing) (10-19)
  Vacuum laminating Machine, OCA mobile phone LCD touch screen refurbishment laminator
[ZW] [F945817] 津巴布韦求购OCA真空层压机(vacuum oca lamination machine) (10-19)
  Can you tell me more about this machine. If possible l would be happy if you could send me a demo video of how it works.Advise on price and availability.
[SA] [F945800] 沙特阿拉伯求购OCA真空层压机(OCA Vacuum Laminating Machine for LCD screen recycling) (10-19)
  OCA Vacuum Laminating Machine for LCD screen recycling
[US] [F945724] 美国求购OCA真空层压机(OCA lcd vacuum laminating machine fo) (10-16)
  Hi,I would like to know the price for Latest new arrival OCA lcd vacuum laminating machine for refurbishing LCD touchj screen.I am interested in buying 1 Set/Sets.Please provide us with a quotation.Th...

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