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[JO] [F1071820] 约旦求购葡萄糖酸(gluconic Acid) (02-21)
  hi we are interested in one container Gluconic acid CFR aqaba port jordan
[IN] [F969099] 印度求购葡萄糖酸(Gluconic acid) (02-23)
  I am interested in gluconic acid. Please contact me back on email/phone. Gluconic Acid Thank you, Mr. Shameer Sharieff Soudagar
[HN] [F959787] 洪都拉斯求购葡萄糖酸(gluconic acid) (05-23)
  I need you help with his quotation from 1 fcl of industrial gluconic acid, cif Pto Cortes
[CA] [F540715] 加拿大求购葡萄糖酸(Food grade Gluconic Acid) (06-17)
  Food grade Gluconic Acid
[NP] [F521535] 尼泊尔求购葡萄糖酸(sodiume glumate) (01-14)
  Mono sodiume glumate Msg 25 kg craft bag/msg 250 gm pkt
[IN] [F416914] 印度求购葡萄糖酸和盐(Gluconic Acid & Salts) (02-17)
  Gluconic Acid & Salts order quantity: 5 Tons Respeted Sir; I am representing on behalf of Akshar Chemicals, Bhavnagar. We require Gluconic Acid. We want it for food grade purpose for the prod...
[UK] [F415331] 英国求购葡萄糖酸(gluconic acid) (02-09)
  Please send us a quote along with the technical data sheet Regards
[IR] [F407094] 伊朗求购葡萄糖酸(litium gluconate) (12-24)
  litium gluconate Description:Hi we are pharmaceutical company,in Iran.we need "litium gluconate,please qoute us your most competetive price for this item ,also we need the COA of this product. lookin...
[AT] [F95051] 奥地利求购葡萄糖酸(GLUCONIC ACID) (04-27)
  Please send a offer (with specification) for a 50% AQ. SOLUTION of GLUCONIC ACID. Amount: 50 t/year Transport: truck
[IN] [F90407] 印度求购葡萄糖酸(gluconic acid) (11-14)
  We have requirement of gluconic acid, citric acid, lactobionic acid and dl-malic acid. please send the details.

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