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[RU] [F581049] 俄罗斯求购白豌豆(White Chick Peas) (07-21)
  Hi, I'm interested in your product Kabuli White Chick Peas(Chenna), I would like some more details. I look forward for your reply. We are interested in A grade. 8cm minimum. Only producer conta...
[ET] [F563094] 埃塞俄比亚求购白豌豆新作物(Ethiopian white pea bean new crop.) (02-04)
  I need to buy Ethiopian white pea bean new crop, please and contact us.
[YE] [F552759] 也门求购白豌豆(white pea beans) (10-28)
  We are interested in 5×20 FT containers of Ethiopian white pea beans. Kindly quote us your best prices CIFC1 Hodeidah /Aden. Awaiting your reply ASAP. Best Regards Abbas
[GY] [F495397] 圭亚那求购白豌豆(WHITE PEA BEANS) (06-29)
  This is HIRALALL from Guyana and I would like to customize " WHITE PEA BEANS" with the following specifications: Type: Kabuli Style: Dried Cultivation Type: Organic
[ZW] [F126065] 津巴布韦求购白豌豆(White kidey beans) (12-15)
  If you have white Kidney Beans, please lets communicate and let me know the price per tonne ASAP. Kindly forward me the details of the prices and quality types per tonne. I mean serious business.
[JO] [F125561] 约旦求购白豌豆(White Pean) (12-14)
  We like to buy white peans. Qty=1500 ton. Country:Jordan
[US] [F95110] 美国求购白豌豆(white pea) (04-29)
  Where are the white peas available in the United States. I am interested in only a few pounds for home consumption. I live in Oregon
[DE] [F95108] 德国求购白豌豆(white pea) (04-29)
  How much are the broad beans from Egypt? Please send me the price and how you are going to send it, before buying it. Thank you.
[IN] [F92166] 印度求购白豌豆(white peas) (02-12)
  hi, this is anil kumar from india can u send us the sample of white peas & rate c.i.f.chennai port

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