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Managed switch buyer & importer

[RO] [F1059111] 罗马尼亚求购管理型交换机(Managed Switch) (10-30)
  Dear Sir/Madam, This is Marius Szatler from Romania. I'm looking for products with the following specifications: Type: Managed Ethernet Switch (VLAN supported) Ports : 4 /5 /6 /7 /8 /9 and 10 Com...
[LB] [F1014039] 黎巴嫩求购管理型交换机(Managed switch sfp) (12-27)
  Dear Sir/Madam, This is from LB. I'm looking for products with the following specifications: Product needed requirements Managed Switch 8-Port Gigabit ( PoE+ optional) 2 SFP 1G Switching Capac...

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