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White Grease buyer & importer

[IN] [F801928] 印度求购白色润滑脂(white grease) (03-08)
  one of our customer urgently wants to import the white grease to be used in lubrication in bearing hinges. please offer us your lowest prices on cif nhava sheva basis at the earliest. please treat thi...
[IN] [F331410] 印度求购白脂(White Grease) (11-20)
  One of our customers who is a big manufacturer of ball bearing hinges wants to regularly import white grease. It is required to grease the ball bearings and the button tips with the pin inside. If...
[IN] [F93867] 印度求购白色润滑脂(White Grease) (03-24)
  One of our customer urgently wants to import the White Grease to be used in Lubrication in Bearing Hinges. Please offer us your lowest prices on CIF NHAVA SHEVA BASIS at the earliest. PLEASE TREAT...

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