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[PK] [F665495] 巴基斯坦求购陶瓷砖(Ceramic Tiles) (06-19)
  Detailed Trade Lead Description 1st of all we would like to introduce our company AA Marketing, which is a dynamic company that deals with import of various items. We help professionals build...
[US] [F664234] 美国求购精美的陶瓷砖,大理石砖,花岗岩地砖(Exquisite marble tiles,granite tiles,porcelain tiles) (06-09)
[IN] [F650461] 印度求购卫生间配件, 陶瓷砖(Bathroom Fittings, Ceramic Tiles) (03-31)
  We are one of the largest importers of Ceramic Tiles in India. We are also interested in currently importing Bath fittings on a long-term basis such as faucet, tap etc. Etc. Kindly email me yo...
[PT] [F586613] 葡萄牙求购陶瓷砖(cermic tiles) (09-04)
  Hello, we are lookin for some specific ceramic tiles with 33x24 cm just like the one in the picture or as similar as possible. Please reply ONLY if you can match the product. my
[BD] [F436674] 孟加拉国求购陶瓷砖(Ceramic Tiles) (05-30)
  Looking for a project for producing 6000 ~ 8000 m2 of Floor & Wall Glazed Tiles. Please offer a project with complete technical details.
[PK] [F436653] 巴基斯坦求购陶瓷砖(Porcelain Tiles) (05-30)
  We are leading indenter and agent of ceramic chemicals in Pakistan. We are interested in: CMC Resicol-C30 Ceremic Diluting Agent Frits (Transparent, Sami Transparent, Opaque, Engobe) French C...
[IN] [F363510] 印度求购陶瓷砖(Vitrified Tiles) (04-18)
  Now we decided to enter in importing vertified tiles from other countries to india at low cost and we decided to market your product here. Please send ur product designs and price list of vertified ti...
[BD] [F353344] 孟加拉国求购陶瓷砖(tiles ceramic) (01-28)
  tiles ceramic 30X30, 30x60, 30X60, 60X60 Quantity Required: 5 20' Container WE ARE INTERESTED FOR BATH ROOM , KITCHEN & FLOOR TILES ACCORDINGLY: 1.BATH ROOM WALL (30X45CM) + FLOOR (30X30CM) + MATC...
[IN] [F329210] 印度求购陶瓷砖(Porcelain Tiles) (11-14)
  I am looking to purchase a 600mm x 600mm White Porcelain Tiles with Nano Polished/Glazed finish. Only require approx 150m2 to be used on kitchen floor, hall way etc residential use. I'm also looking...
[DO] [F314210] 多米尼加求购陶瓷砖(Ceramic Tiles) (07-19)
  we need to order Ceramic Tiles, please manufacturers can provide us with quality products, for your quick response, we would be very grateful.
[ZA] [F285595] 南非求购陶瓷砖(glazed ceramic floor tiles) (11-30)
  i am interested in purchasing glazed ceramic floor tiles,
[ES] [F241060] 西班牙求购陶瓷砖(porcelain tiles) (08-05)
  we are interested in some stock lotsof porcelain tles.have sent you already pictures of the tiles in offer?thanks in advance
[AU] [F213127] 澳大利亚求购陶瓷砖(Porcelain Tiles) (06-17)
  we are looking for Porcelain Tiles,please send about this product catalog and good price for us.we look forward to cooperation with you.
[US] [F185131] 美国求购陶瓷砖(Ceramic Tiles) (04-23)
  TYE of tile,& price ,would you exporter to Turks & Caicos Island.
[NZ] [F123924] 新西兰求购陶瓷砖(Ceramic and vertified tiles) (12-11)
  hi there we would like to buy ceramic and porcelein tiles witn minimum 10 mm thickness,, all sizes..some with matching floor and wall tiles... we will take out of line,export surplus,or delet...
[FR] [F123904] 法国求购陶瓷砖(Ceramics Tiles) (12-11)
  Dear Madam, Sir,I am Matthieu Chatelier from the company My Providing Ltd. We are buying agent supplying the french market.We are looking for ceramic tiles in clearance.Minimum 1000m2 for each referen...
[UK] [F123900] 英国求购陶瓷砖(Ceramics Tiles) (12-11)
  We are seeking for our real estate and housing development corporation clients competent suppliers of Ceramics and marble tiles, of various sizes of 30x60,60x60 etc. Do forward to us in t...

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