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Zinc Ammonium Chloride buyer & importer

[SA] [F1182569] 沙特阿拉伯求购锌铵氯化物(Zinc Ammonium Chloride) (10-31)
  Do you have Zinc Ammonium Chloride?!
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[LB] [F525353] 黎巴嫩求购四氯锌酸铵(zinc ammonium chloride) (02-15)
  This is lababidi from Lebanon and I would like to customize "ingots, and zinc ammonium chloride" with the following specifications:
[OM] [F396035] 阿曼求购锌氯化铵(Zinc Ammonium Chloride) (10-28)
  Zinc Ammonium Chloride Quantity: 600 kg Quality Standards: Flux for galvanizing Packing: drums
[BG] [F97489] 保加利亚求购氯化锌铵(zinc ammonium chloride) (07-27)
  Dear Sirs, Pls. kindly send us offer re, zinc ammonium chloride CAS 14639-97-5 and CAS 14639-98-6. Pls.. quote FOB price. Destination: Bulgaria Best regards,
[CA] [F94214] 加拿大求购氯化锌铵(Zinc Ammonium Chloride) (04-01)
  Zinc Ammonium Chloride Need 8000 kg what price would you offer, and is this product stock, and location. Thanks

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