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mink fur pom buyer & importer

[JP] [F1023479] 日本求购水貂毛球(mink fur pom) (03-21)
  I would like to know the price for Fashion Mink Fur Ball / Fur keychain / Mink Pom poms Fur Ball. I am interested in buying 11000 pcs. Please provide us with a quotation. Thank you.
[AE] [F1022758] 阿联酋求购水貂毛球(mink fur pom) (03-18)
  Hello I need to order 250 Black, 150 Red, 50 White fur balls, Size 1.5 inch-2 inch (4-5,5 sm), as soon as possible. please send me price. if you give good price, i will order much more in future. ...

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