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heater elements buyer & importer

[TW] [F853476] 台湾求购加热器(Heater Elements) (06-28)
  Dear Sir, We are looking for Heater Elements. The are 8 items, each require volume will be more than 5000 pcs, total together will be over 110K for the first order. Send us your quote, if y...
[US] [F95667] 美国求购发热管(heater elements) (05-21)
  Hello, I am looking for a source for immersion heater elements for oil. 1.25 NPT Fitting 8" Long 800W 110V Thermostat Integrated Let me know if you can provide and we can discuss furthe...
[US] [F95666] 美国求购发热管(heater elements) (05-21)
  I am making a coffee maker and needed of the heater elements either cartridge or surface type.

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