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[IN] [F789688] 印度求购触摸屏产品(Touch panels) (09-29)
  I am interested in Touch panels products. Kindly send me details such as 1 RAM, Memory, Operating System and USB connectivity and other connectivities available 2 price when a)purchased single b...
[IT] [F775671] 意大利求购触摸屏产品(touchscreen prodotti) (08-24)
  Sono interessato a interattiva / terminali touchscreen prodotti.
[US] [F773120] 美国求购触摸屏产品(touchscreen products) (06-30)
  I am interested in 4 or 7 inch touchscreen products from your company. I am looking for one that will have a VGA connection, and do 1024x768. I would like it to mount inside a standard 4u or 6u ra...
[US] [F96186] 美国求购触摸屏产品(touch screen products) (06-17)
  I am interested in your touch screen products from your company.wOULD LIKE WHOLESALE PRICE LIST AND PRICE FOR A SAMPLE UNIT.

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