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[IE] [F841037] 爱尔兰求购甲酸乙酯(Ethyl Formate) (03-31)
  Please provide us youe safety data sheet with exact storage conditions, your product specification and sample of a typical CofA for Ethyl Formate.
[CO] [F513395] 哥伦比亚求购甲酸乙酯(Ethyl Formate) (11-26)
  We need to make trials with Ethyl Formate as a Fumigant for fresh vegetables and herbs. We need a small quantity of approximately 30-40 liters. We are located in Medellin, Colombia
[IN] [F97490] 印度求购甲酸乙酯(Ethyl formate) (07-27)
  Sir the mentioned mail has a requirement for Ethyl formate 20 tons for oman. I think that your manufacturer at trichy offers the same
[OM] [F97050] 阿曼求购甲酸乙酯(Ethyl Formate) (07-18)
  Dear Sir, Good day to you; We would like to buy the above chemicals, first we have been requested by our customer to quote quantity of 20 Metric Tons of liquid Ethyl Formate. Please let us know the...

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