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can pet food buyer & importer

[MG] [F1123884] 马达加斯加求购宠物罐头(400g can pet food) (03-25)
  How many cans in ONE box? What is the weight for each cat can food? What is the differences between sizes of XS, M and L? And what does the colour means? How many brands of cat can food do your co...
[UA] [F1123876] 乌克兰求购宠物罐头(400g can pet food) (03-25)
  Hola, Me interesa su producto Sabor de pollo y anguila, fábrica OEM a Malasia, comida para gatos en conserva húmeda, ¿podría enviarme mas información? Espero su respuesta. Saludos,
[DZ] [F1123252] 阿尔及利亚求购宠物罐头(400g can pet food) (03-22)
  How many cans in ONE box? 2. What is the weight for each cat can food? 3. What is the differences between sizes of XS, S, M and L? And what does the colour means? 4. How many brands of cat can food...

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