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[UA] [F1199329] 乌克兰求购ADSS电缆用光纤电缆螺旋接头(Fiber Optic Cable Spiral Fittings for ADSS cable) (05-24)
  Dear Sirs, I have interested in Fiber Optic Cable Spiral Fittings for ADSS cable (4.5...7 mm diameter). Please send me detailed catalog of your products! I will very appreciated for your prompt re...
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[MX] [F1124185] 墨西哥求购存储单元用于ADSS电缆(storage units for ADSS cable) (03-29)
  I am looking for 12 ", 16 or 17" and 21 "storage units for ADSS cable made out of a somewhat flexible and completely non conductive plastic. Please review the *** images. Some American companies like...
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