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[BG] [F776454] 保加利亚求购艺术玻璃(art glass products) (09-11)
  art glass products all products needed to make door and window pannels pictures
[US] [F682803] 美国求购玻璃瓶,艺术玻璃,灯,珠宝等(glass vases, jewelry, accent plates, chandeliers and art glass) (11-16)
  Fossilfly Imports - Importers of glass vases, jewelry, accent plates, chandeliers and art glass.pls contact us for your details ,thanks .
[KZ] [F325727] 哈萨克斯坦求购艺术玻璃(special glass) (10-30)
  Can you produce such kind of the glass and what will be our approximate price? Kindly let me know if any question occurs. Wish to hear from you soon. Best regards, Alexey Korenchenko ...
[SA] [F228286] 沙特阿拉伯求购礼品,艺术玻璃(GIFTS,ART GLASS) (07-14)
  Company from Saudi Arabia,we're looking for gifts and art glasses, all kinds
[US] [F180374] 美国求购艺术玻璃(acid etched glass/decorative glass/art glass) (04-13)
  acid etched glass/decorative glass/art glass Please send me all of the photo\\\'s and pricing for your artglass I am interested in panel sizes available for your colored glass, etched glass, painte...
[US] [F100786] 美国求购艺术玻璃(art glass) (10-13)
  I am an artist. I buy art glass. I would like to buy some of the patterned glass. What colors do you offer and do you sell it in sheets? Do you have a catalogue? Please contact me as soon as possibl...

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