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Wood frames buyer & importer

[CY] [F755227] 塞浦路斯求购木架(wood frames) (02-12)
  wood frames for byzantine icons we are interested in wood ingraves oval piecies to but icons in,the engraving is about 5mm,makes the wood like a frame,small diferent sizes,light wood can be fine
[US] [F725208] 美国求购木制相框(wood frames) (04-03)
  I want to pursue wood frames for now, if we need plastic I'll be sure to contact you. Patrick
[US] [F694936] 美国求购钟,木像框, 蜡烛架,装饰蜡烛(Bedroom Clocks, Wood Frames and others Candle Holders/Stands) (05-02)
  Dear Sir or Madam, We want to purchase Bedroom Clocks, Wood Frames and others Candle Holders/Stands from China and desire to establish the business with the supplier of China . Pls contact us soon if...
[US] [F522185] 美国求购木框架(wood frames) (01-19)
  Wev are looking for a frame suplier. We are going to be adding 6 styles of wood frames , they would have a painted finish with gold & silver guilded edges
[US] [F439933] 美国求购木门框(Wood frames) (06-16)
  Looking for ornate wooden picture/painting frames. 3" up, all sizes. Thanks
[UK] [F103126] 英国求购优化框架(Wood frames for paintings) (12-19)
  I want to buy very good quality frames in contemporary style for paintings. Average size 1m x 0.75m. These must take canvas thickness 4 - 6cms, so box frame style. They should be hard wood or good qu...

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