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Stainless steel screen buyer & importer

[PK] [F1135895] 巴基斯坦求购不锈钢筛网过滤(stainless steel screen filter mesh) (07-15)
  Please contact me on watsapp.I want to buy mesh screens for extruders
[HR] [F377884] 克罗地亚求购不锈钢丝网(stainless steel screen) (07-31)
  Dear Diana,we are calculated your offer and this are results: 1) stainless steel screen-very good price - 20% better then another factorys 2)spring steel screen - 50% higher price than 3 factory 3)...
[US] [F108970] 美国求购不锈钢网(Stainless Steel screen) (07-15)
  Hi - I'm looking to purchase some Stainless Steel screen. It needs to be Type 304, 16 gauge minimum - 12 gauge maximum, 3/16" IN/SQ. I need 8 pieces 12" x 12". Do you sell this? If not who does? Pleas...
[CA] [F104060] 加拿大求购不锈钢网(Stainless steel screen) (01-13)
  Hello, my company is in need of a mesh disc to use as a bird screen in our venting. Is there a possibility of you cutting out discs? Ideally we would like: Stainless steel 3” diameter d...

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