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Roller Machine buyer & importer

[NG] [F473738] 尼日利亚求购机械(roller machine) (12-10)
  We are looking for a machine suitable to make several sizes/dimensions with a simple PLC programming. No need to change the rollers. h from 80 to 300 mm b from 40 to 80 Is it available with...
[RU] [F338990] 俄罗斯求购卷板机(roller machine) (12-13)
  Looking for the machinery capable to roll Ta sheets 350-800mm wide, ideally 1000mm.
[AE] [F104614] 阿联酋求购辊压机(Roller Machine) (02-01)
  Subject: Request for Quotation Roller Machine This is reference to the above subject we would like to request you kindly provide us a quotation for the 5 no of Roller Machine to the earliest and pl...

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