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ELECTRONIC GOODS buyer & importer

[RU] [F230920] 俄罗斯求购电子产品(electronic goods from china) (07-19)
  hello.we are interested buying electronic goods in china for sale in our retail network in russia.welcome to our site for insurance in our business.
[UK] [F159204] 英国求购电子类产品(Electronic goods) (03-05)
  To Whom It May Concern Could you please send me quotations about your products that fall into the categories I have listed example, Iphones(4 and 3G), Ipads, speakers for laptops and general stereo...
[US] [F152467] 美国求购电子产品(Electronic goods) (02-22)
  Electronic goods Certification Requirements: not particularly but sample of some electronic goods might be required We are import agents for certain retail markets for electronic goods in Africa. ...
[UK] [F144630] 英国求购电子产品(fashion accessories, electronic goods) (01-09)
  looking for perfumes which are copy of branded perfumes but with different registered names.I am expecting a quote for individual items
[DM] [F108695] 多米尼加求购电器(ELECTRONIC GOODS) (07-03)
[US] [F108694] 美国求购电器(ELECTRONIC GOODS) (07-03)
[SY] [F108693] 叙利亚求购电器(ELECTRONIC GOODS) (07-03)

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