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Fatty Acids buyer & importer

[EG] [F162776] 埃及求购脂肪酸(Fatty Acids) (03-10)
  We want to buy the following raw materials: 1.Sunflower fatty acid 2.dehydrated castor fatty sunflower oil 3.Tall oil fatty acid. These materials are to be used in manufacturing the followi...
[ES] [F123060] 西班牙求购脂肪酸(fatty acids) (12-10)
  If your company can supply fatty acids please contact with details of your product specifications, quantity of supply availability, price per MT CIF Spain. A small sample will be required for testing ...
[GR] [F118383] 希腊求购脂肪酸(fatty acids) (12-01)
  fatty acids at low cost for animal feed production from palm oil, palm kernels and coconut oil or any other vegetable origin
[IN] [F116756] 印度求购脂肪酸(Fatty acids, dimeracids, C18 80%) (11-25)
  Product name: Fatty acids, dimeracids, C18 80% Explained in detail: Dear Sir, Subject Product is require to the tune of 200 MT Per year. Kindly give your BEST QUOTE With TERMS on Urgent basis
[CZ] [F109256] 捷克求购游离脂肪酸、精炼脂肪酸(Fatty Acids and Rafinery Fatty Acids) (07-22)
  Dear Sirs, Main activities of company Oleo Chemical which is located in Prague Czech Republic is a trade and processing of fatty commodities.Presentlywearelookingforreliablesupplieroffreefattyacidsand...

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