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[MX] [F854531] 墨西哥求购电视手机(TV Mobile) (07-03)
  We need urgently about 10000PCS TV mobile for Mexico market, please offer your items. Images and prices also with the detail information about the products for our reference, Such as software in the ...
[UA] [F803795] 乌克兰求购电视手机(tv phone ) (03-24)
  we would like to find reliable supplier in asia for1)china tv phones 850/1900.a. all items must be high quality.b. order qty is depend on the quality of ordered and checked samples.c. provide us with ...
[MY] [F184037] 马来西亚求购电视手机(tv mobile phone) (04-20)
  i'm looking into tv mobile: phones please provide pictures and prices
[UA] [F112542] 乌克兰求购电视手机(TV MOBILE) (11-09)
  Hello! This is Alexander. How are you? I would like to make order. If possible, I need P168c (black, always with the Russian language)- 1 pcs., TV950 mini (white, Russian language)- 1 pcs., and ...
[GT] [F112352] 危地马拉求购电视手机(TV MOBILE) (11-09)
  Dear Srs. I am interesting now in some cheap mobiles with tv mobile, dual sim, touch screen, quad band. Do you have someone close of 40USD - 45USD?. Please send me your quote of your cheapest mobile...
[US] [F112256] 美国求购电视手机(TV MOBILE) (11-09)
  good day to you my name is Michale Perez i have a company in south America Thad retails and wholesales electronic goods Ian interested in this phone Thad you have advertise can you tell me if this pho...

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