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Kettle bells buyer & importer

[AU] [F890746] 澳大利亚求购壶铃(kettle bells) (08-14)
  please send me more details on your product with pricing we are an importer retailer currently bring in weights and kettle bells we have 10 retail stores and a wholesale divison. regards Peter
[SE] [F793331] 瑞典求购水壶(Kettle bells 1000kg) (12-14)
  We are looking for a supplier who can provide us with 1000 kg orders of Kettle Bells. These will be sent to a retailer in Sweden. Please contact us with detailed lists of prices, freight optio...
[US] [F117300] 美国求购壶铃(KETTLE BELLS) (11-27)
  We are seeking custom fabricated Kettle Bells for our fitness company. Bells must meet industry standards, and be powder coated. We will provide color code and spec. Bells will be of sizes varying...
[SE] [F117296] 瑞典求购壶铃(Kettle bells) (11-27)
  We are looking for a supplier who can provide us with 1000 kg orders of Kettle Bells. These will be sent to a retailer in Sweden. Please contact us with detailed lists of prices, freight options...

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