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[JP] [F314871] 日本求购二手农业机械,建筑设备,重型车辆(Used farm machines, construction equipment, and heavy vehicles) (07-30)
  Used farm machines, construction equipment, and heavy vehicles (tractors, cultivators, combines, power tillers, binders, power sprayers, engines, rice planting machines), and recycled materials made i...
[KH] [F120001] 柬埔寨求购二手农业机械(used agritural machine) (12-05)
  Dear Sir, Our company is the main importer of Used Construction Machinery, Used Agricultural Machinery, Used Tractor from Japan for many years. Our importing capacity is 10-20 containers monthly....
[BE] [F120000] 比利时求购二手农业机械(used agritural machine) (12-05)
  Dear Madam/SirWe are looking after Used farming Tractors, implements and machinery for the African and Middle Eastern Market.The Origin doesn't really mater, but we prefer the brands Massey Ferguson, ...

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