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[PH] [F1054283] 菲律宾求购纸金属紧固件(Metal Fastener for Paper) (10-09)
  Dear Sir/Madam, This is RyanFlorendo from PH. I'm looking for products with the following specifications: 1. Material: Metal, non-corroding 2. Thickness: base with prongs and compressor: 0.30mm (m...
[SG] [F1044105] 新加坡求购金属紧固件(Metal fastener) (08-06)
  Looking for supplier manufactures metal thread bolt screw Quick Release Fasteners Surface Treatment Polishing; Anodize; Sanding Powder coating; Vacuum Plating; Nickel, Zinc, Tin, Silver plating etc...
[VE] [F1043921] 委内瑞拉求购金属紧固件(Metal fastener) (08-06)
  Todo el mobiliario se fabrica con madera contrachapada, mdf, mdp, melamina y chapilla decorativa (marca Formica, Koralite o similar).Necesito un contenedor
[MY] [F592325] 马来西亚求购金属紧固件(Shadow Line bracket) (11-08)
  Dear Sir/Madam, This is ValerieLee from MY. I'm looking for products with the following specifications: shadow line bracket Please quote me or
[IN] [F123804] 印度求购金属紧固件(Metal fastener) (12-11)
  Hello, We'reinterested in importing 4 pcs metal fasteners incl. nut-bolt from China. Ourprice for each pc. (4 pcs in each pc) is approx. 0.01 USD. (1cent). Please send us yourbest quote for CIF Nha...

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