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[IR] [F827942] 伊朗求购轮胎回收机(tyre recycling machine) (12-29)
  Dear sirs, First and foremost, we appreciate the helpful information on rubber powder. Our company is determined to import a production line to produce fine rubber powder of 30-200 mesh with yearly ca...
[MA] [F477777] 摩洛哥求购使用轮胎回收机(Used Tire Recycling Machine) (01-06)
  Product name:Used Tire Recycling Machine Country:Morocco Details:Dear Sir please send your offer for used tires recycling plant with machines spécifications. Thank you
[SA] [F231798] 沙特求购轮胎回收机(tire recycling machine) (07-20)
  one of our clients wish to construct a plant to recycle tires and has all the permits for the project in riyadh if you have interest we hope to provide us with the initial price in full production lin...
[SG] [F125894] 新加坡求购轮胎回收机(tire recycling equipment) (12-14)
  Please introduce and quote us the FOB price for this machine. Please contact us at ****** Thank you and regards Jessie

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