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shampoo bottle buyer & importer

[GE] [F822661] 格鲁吉亚求购洗发水瓶(shampoo bottle) (12-05)
  we are interested in 250ml and 400ml. please make arrive some information... price, transport conditions, time. and our design of etickets. we are placed in georgia. thank you.
[IN] [F820102] 印度求购洗发水瓶(shampoo bottle) (11-23)
  pls send product price list
[HK] [F709891] 香港求购塑料瓶(Buy Shampoo Bottle / Lotion Bottle / Sprayer Head / Cap) (10-18)
  We need to buy various plastic bottle for shampoo or lotion use. We need 200ml to 800ml size . Please quote as following: 1) unit price for 200ml to 800ml bottle in PP, PET, ABS,PE seperately 2)...
[US] [F522873] 美国求购洗发水瓶子(shampoo bottle) (01-25)
  For the best results, we recommend including the following details: -Self introduction -Required specifications -Inquire about price/MOQ
[GR] [F464135] 希腊求购洗发水瓶子(shampoo bottle) (10-17)
  dear sir/ madam have a good day i am interesting for prices for disc top cap 24/410 white all 18000 pieces disc top cap silver 24/410 20000 pieces disc top translucent colour 24/410 15000 pieces ...
[LB] [F452781] 黎巴嫩求购洗发水瓶子(shampoo bottle) (08-20)
  dear Sir, We are cleaning products manufacturer (shampoo hair and hands, etc....) We are located in Lebanon and UAE. Please provide us with your full line of products along with prices and Moq. Aw...
[IN] [F385403] 印度求购洗发水瓶(Shampoo bottle) (08-31)
  PET Shampoo bottle, premium look. 500 ml - 1 L. Prefer same bottle as on the picture
[CA] [F283317] 加拿大求购洗发水瓶(shampoo bottle) (11-23)
  We are looking for a shampoo bottle approximately 250ml with a soft touch in our custom color and screen printed. Can you tell me if you have this and what the costs and minimums are please? Thanks, T...
[IR] [F245630] 伊朗求购洗发水瓶(shampoo Bottle) (08-22)
  we are the cosmetic products in iran, we would like to know About your company and your products Specifically shampoo battles and then have you any export to iran or do you have any agency in iran and...
[PK] [F188320] 巴基斯坦求购洗发精瓶子(shampoo bottle) (05-03)
  we need jhonsons baby shampoo 100 ml bottle in red, green and blue packing
[SY] [F126434] 叙利亚求购洗发水瓶(shampoo bottle) (12-15)
  hi ,im Elizabeth i want to buy shampoo plastic bottle ,from 250-330 ml .+ hair wax container aluminum or plastic 150ml... i want to know the price of each bottle and I want to know the conditions and...

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