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tire cord fabric buyer & importer

[US] [F1027848] 美国求购抗收缩特征和编织技术轮胎帘子布(Shrink-Resistant Feature and Woven Technics tire cord fabric) (04-18)
  采购数量: 10 Metric Ton/Metric Tons| 采购人: 发布地点:United States Dear - We would like to purchase 6000 kg of EE125(BLACK) in a width of 125cm. Please reply back with pricing and leadtime. We use to make...
[BD] [F966364] 孟加拉求购帘子布(Tire Cord fabric) (11-17)
  We want to buy TIRE CORD FABRICS, Nylon6 Tire Cord fabric 1500D2,1000D2,1300D2 Note our mail address.
[PK] [F770421] 巴基斯坦求购帘子布(tire cord fabric) (06-03)
  Poleyster or nylon tire cord fabric We have regular demand for polyester or nylon tire cord fabric, B Grade in roll form packing of 100 to 700 kgs, mostly brown in color, any size will do as we requi...
[KR] [F759820] 韩国求购帘子布(Tire cord fabric) (03-13)
  Dear Sir, We are looking for polyester tire cord fabric to make convoyer belt with coating. For more details please feel free to contact me at anytime. Best regards,
[BD] [F459507] 孟加拉国求购帘子布(Tire Cord Fabric) (09-19)
  Interested to buy Polyester dipped Tire Cord Fabrics B-Grade for 1000, 1300, 1500d/2, d/3 in Roll packing for brown, Red color mail to
[IN] [F419945] 印度求购帘子布(Tire Cord fabric) (03-03)
  We are a Trader of Substandard Polyester Tire Cord materials based in Kolkata, India. We have over 35years of experience in this field. We are regularly importing from China/US/Thailand Nylon6 Tire ...
[IN] [F127409] 印度求购服装(tire cord fabric) (12-16)
  Dear Sir, We interested to buy B grade dipped/grey tire cord fabric rolls in all deniers and cut pieces in bales. We ready to buy the above said material 2 fcl per month. Interested parties p...

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