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[SE] [F893846] 瑞典求购垂直轴风力发电机(vertical wind turbine) (09-12)
  Dear sirs, Please send me more details on your vertical wind turbine(s). Also, indicate the price, please. Yours truly
[IN] [F575717] 印度求购垂直轴风力发电机(vertical axis wind turbine) (06-08)
  Hi,Im interested in your product hot sale low start wind speed vertical axis wind turbine price, I would like some more details:What is the best price you can offer?I look forward to your reply.Regard...
[GR] [F131132] 希腊求购垂直轴风力发电机(vertical axis wind turbines) (12-21)
  Dear sirs, I am interesting to purchase 100Kw - 250Kw vertical axis wind turbines If you are producing please get back to me. Sincerely, Chris Liagkos

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