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Red tea buyer & importer

[AE] [F696038] 阿联酋求购红茶(red tea) (05-17)
  We, Sea and Sky Commercial as Agent / Representative for sellers, attest with legal and corporate authority that we are ready, wiling and able to purchase: Red Tea under the following terms and co...
[MA] [F393487] 摩洛哥求购红茶(Red Tea) (10-15)
  I'm sourcing red tea (preferably multiple blends) and would like to start asap. Thank you in advance!
[MA] [F132937] 摩洛哥求购红茶/绿茶(Red tea Green tea) (12-23)
  I want to import one 20 GP RED TEA,GREEN TEA,WHITE TEA AND TEA JAZMIN IN ONE 20 CONTAINER. Offer me FOB price. For example ,if fit into 20feet container ,100 boxes total,divides them into 4 Please giv...

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