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[SA] [F221291] 沙特阿拉伯求购灭火车生产线(fire sprinkler production line) (07-01)
  hi , i need aproduction line to produce fire sprinklers upride , pendent , side
[PH] [F210264] 菲律宾求购消防车(fire truck) (06-14)
  brand new top quality fire truck ARE WANTED
[US] [F179727] 美国求购消防车(Fire Truck) (04-12)
  Fire Truck I am interested in your product. Get back to me in my private email with more pics of it, along with your email where i can reach you, Thank you and God bless you Mr. James Anderson
[BD] [F144724] 孟加拉国求购消防车(Fire Fighting Vehicles) (01-09)
  Looking for fire fighting vehicles. Right hand drive is a must. Are you the manufacturer of fire fighting vehicles?
[PY] [F142615] 巴拉圭求购消防车(Fire Truck) (01-05)
  We are an import paraguayan company, and we are very interesting in to buy a fire truck with the following specification: 1- pump: A) single stage pump 4,000 liters / minute, operated by power of th...
[PK] [F142121] 巴基斯坦求购消防车(Fire Fighting Truck) (01-05)
  Our customers require the following items under tendering mode of procurement on payments through Letter of Credits. Fire Fighting Truck for Rapid Response to Contingencies. There are several other ...
[SY] [F134165] 叙利亚求购消防车(Fire-fighting vehicles) (12-24)
  Fire-fighting vehicles 1- water tank capacity: 4000 liters qty: 4 vehicles 2- water tank capacity: 9000 liters qty; 3 vehicles Joint specifications for the vehicles: - equipped with foam t...

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