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magnetic badge buyer & importer

[PT] [F416272] 葡萄牙求购磁性胸章(magnetic badge) (02-13)
  Hi , This is jose rocha from JOSE TEIXEIRA DA ROCHA UNIP LDA. Our company has been in Portugal for years.Can you provide me with more information regarding the product: - magnetic badge E.G. detai...
[US] [F161000] 美国求购徽章(Magnetic badge) (03-08)
  We need purchase 100,000 pcs magnetic badge size 44mm x 13mm (2 pcs with adhieve sticker). If you have good prices, plesase email to me
[CR] [F134911] 哥斯达黎加求购磁性牌(magnetic badge) (12-25)
  Hello, my name is Alejandro Gamp, I am from Apisolutions, a promotional gifts firm of Costa Rica. I need to quote 100 500 1,000 pcs of Magnetic Name Badge Specifications: Quantity: 100 50...

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