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Surgical Sutures buyer & importer

[US] [F1095982] 美国求购外科缝线(SURGICAL SUTURES) (08-10)
[NG] [F1008948] 尼日利亚求购手术缝合线(surgical sutures) (10-24)
  Dear Sir, This is to inform you officially that our company ( Nigeria), is highly interested in buying your products for our Nigerian Markets. Our company is the best distributors for surgical sutu...
[SD] [F755651] 苏丹求购手术缝线(Surgical Sutures) (02-16)
  Looking for surgical sutures suppliers
[FR] [F725958] 法国求购手术缝线(Surgical Sutures) (04-08)
  Surgical Sutures For Ophthalmology 10 / 0 double needle black standart by box of 6 or 10 We need purchase by 200 boxes
[PK] [F690269] 巴基斯坦求购医疗用针(surgical sutures) (03-09)
  We intend to buy a sizeble quantity of surgical sutures and their derived or similiar products for distribution in Pakistan, which has a huge market for all kinds of sutures. Offers from Chinese sut...
[LR] [F676945] 利比亚求购医药品,外科缝合用的线,放射线设备(pharmaceuticals, surgical sutures, radiology equipment) (09-12)
  As an Importer of pharmaceuticals, surgical sutures, radiology equipment, medical supplies ,we wish supplier can contact us for your information with details of your products .thanks
[AE] [F244924] 阿联酋求购手术缝线(surgical sutures and needles packing & attaching Machine) (08-19)
  Search for Supplier or manufacturer for Sutures and surgical needles ***ing machines as below : 1-Needle Fixing machine with Diese. 2-First Packing machine Automatic. 3- Dosing or filling machin. 4- S...
[US] [F238187] 美国求购手术缝合线(surgical sutures) (08-01)
  different sizes of the catgut..with the needles on
[IR] [F138158] 伊朗求购手术缝合线(Surgical Sutures) (12-28)
  We need all models of surgical sutures. I need to purchase at low or reasonable rates. Awaiting for serious response.

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