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[BE] [F523368] 比利时求购测量仪器(measurement instrumentation) (01-27)
  Hi (3051TG1A2B21AB4M5E5 20 USD) I'm interessted in your product, and the good price, how many do you have in stock? please mail me
[IL] [F460782] 以色列求购测量仪器(Question from Israel) (09-25)
  Hi there I'm interested in measuring a bolt which is connected into the floot. I know that its length should be about 160mm Can this model measure the bolt length? In addition I want to know wha...
[SG] [F361699] 新加坡求购测量仪器(Measuring Instruments) (04-02)
  Measuring Instruments Is this PC a 19 rack? also do you have any distributors in Singapore?If you dont have any distributors in Singapore whats the price to have one delivered? Thanks,Gary GazianoInve...
[SA] [F308598] 沙特求购测量仪器(survey equipment) (05-03)
  survey equipment I need to buy survey equipment , who I need the product, please provide us with your information. Hope that we can become a long-term partner.
[SG] [F217768] 新加坡求购测量仪器(Enzyme Measuring Device) (06-25)
  I am looking urgently for an instrument that can measure the activity of enzyme in different types of substrates.
[SK] [F42897] 斯洛伐克求购测量仪器(measuring instruments) (07-27)
  Let me introduce our company ZKL KINEX. We are the only producer of measuring tools in Slovakia and the biggest producer in former Czechoslovakia. We have 100 years tradition in engineering. Our...

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