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[MNE] [F986296] 黑山求购海上气垫船(SEA GOING HOVERCRAFT passanger 100-150 sea) (02-07)
  t. Sample Purchase|采购数量: 2 Pieces| 采购人: 发布地点:Montenegro Dear Sir/Madam, This is VladNecheporenko from UA. I'm looking for products with the following specifications:Please confirm possibility to...
[TH] [F967166] 泰国求购气垫船(Jedy Hovercraft) (12-06)
  I need the Jedy Hovercraft. Please you quote price in terms CIF Bangkok port. Thank you for reply. Best regards Parinya
[FI] [F827335] 芬兰求购气垫船(500cc hovercraft) (12-28)
  Dear Sirs, We like to have more information of your hovercraft. Pric etc.
[HU] [F825013] 匈牙利求购500cc的蓝色气垫船(500cc hovercraft blue) (12-15)
  Dear Sirs! I would like to have more info about your hovercraft! We are a hungarian trading company! HUNGARY, EUROPE
[VE] [F822730] 委内瑞拉求购气垫船奥德赛(hovercraft odyssey) (12-05)
  DD: 01-February-2011 RE: RFQ ODYSSEY HOVERCRAFT TO. Zheijiang Alswei International Group Ltd. China. Sirs, We have sold commercial hovercraft before. Now I wish you have happy Chinese New Year Holiday...
[IN] [F725426] 印度求购气垫船(Hovercraft) (04-05)
  Looking For A Hovercraft dear sir, we are looking for a 100 passenger capacity hovercraft for commercial purpose. so pls interestd firms and people contact as soon as possible
[FI] [F250455] 芬兰求购500cc的气垫船(500cc hovercraft) (09-01)
  Dear Sirs, We like to have more information of your hovercraft- Price etc. Thank you. -- Juha Kaunisto
[NZ] [F237338] 新西兰求购气垫船(hovercraft blue) (07-30)
  I am Stephen Preest the inventor and builder of the hovercraft pictured. I am also the director of the company The blue hovercraft you have pictured has in fact been stolen by Mr Yang Guang Ming of C...
[NZ] [F143689] 新西兰求购气垫船(Hovercraft 2 Man Size Or Bigger) (01-08)
  We at action marketing New Zealand are seeking a supplier for hovercraft, we have interest from buyers on our client list. Please contact us at email.

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