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[HK] [F80721] 香港求购电器(electricals) (03-06)
[DE] [F72927] 德国求购汽车零件,车间机械,电器(automotive parts, workshop machinery, steel and generators.) (11-16)
  With over 160 years experience, C.Woermann is the export business and one of the strongest trading links between Germany and Africa. Headquartered in Hamburg, C.Woermann has firmly established subsidi...
[TG] [F72849] 多哥求购电器,衣服和珠宝(electronics,wears and jewelriesie) (11-15)
  Dear Sale, I Mr Frank Paul, i live in Lome-Togo, I just needed some items in my store in african because i have main store in some country through the work and in some african country but i live...
[ZA] [F71032] 南非求购电器和电毛毯(Household electrical appliances , Electric blankets,) (10-18)
  Industry Sub-Industry Products Household electrical appliances Electric blankets

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