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[CN] [F147866] 外贸公司求购苹果汁(-apple juice) (02-10)
  We could apply the kinds of juice paste / concentrade as apple, peach, pineapple, corn, sweet potato pear haw, jujube, tomato etc. 1)No any additve. 2)To be packed into the standard metal pail as 200k...
  Our company is interested in developing a long-term supply relationshiop for our import of DEIONIZED apple juice concentrate. Please note that our need is for DEIONIZED, not regular apple concentr...
[US] [F144365] 美国求购苹果汁(we need whole fresh squeezed lemon Juice to use in baking.) (01-09)
  Lemon juice in bottles or frozen or frozen concentrate or concentrate
[US] [F144364] 美国求购苹果汁(Apple Juice concentrate) (01-09)
  we are Global Investments Group Limited, are an Algerian company, we import various kinds of products from China. Now we are looking for Apple Juice concentrate BRIX 65% 70%, clear more than 95% ...

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