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Industrial Tires buyer & importer

[US] [F1122404] 美国求购工业轮胎和车轮(industrial tires and wheels) (03-16)
  Kelly, I need two solid front John Deere Backhoe 410e replacements. The spec is 12.5x80-18. Can you help?
[AZ] [F439485] 阿塞拜疆求购工业轮胎(industrial tires) (06-16)
  Hello, our company is interested in buying industrial tires for road-building equipment, and place in a 40 foot container, in the following order: 12.5/80-18 (14 PR) Backhoe loader Hidromek - 30% 16.0...
[BE] [F353540] 比利时求购工业轮胎(industrial tires) (01-29)
  size: 1000-15 tread: industrial lug forklift pattern 20 FCL
[US] [F144501] 美国求购轮胎(Agricultural And Industrial Tires) (01-09)
  We are a company that has customers in Mexico for agricultural and industrial tires, we are looking for a supplier with experience and good quality.

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