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[MA] [F864107] 摩洛哥求购饮料加工机(beverage processing machine) (09-13)
  Hello. We need a fast quotation and photos of a machine that will do washing, filling and sealing the cans of hot tea ( 3 in 1 if possible). We need the quotation for machine of capacity from 10...
[TH] [F501698] 泰国求购饮料加工机(tea processing machine) (08-18)
  Dear Sir Do you have any kind of automatic espresso machine which can produce 300L/h Thaveechai
[IN] [F147187] 印度求购饮料加工机(Beverage Processing Machinery) (01-25)
  Dear Sir, Beverage Processing Machinery We are looking for to buy one evaporator system to produce apple concentrate. The required characteristics are: - Feed: Turbid Apple juice, 15,000 kg/hr, wi...

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