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Candle Machine buyer & importer

[NG] [F865434] 尼日利亚求购蜡烛机(candle machine) (10-08)
  we have for sale . contact me for purchase. thanks
[ES] [F727570] 西班牙求购蜡烛机器(candle machine) (04-16)
  We look for machines to produce candles for votive purpose and lithurgy. Especially the small shorter candles but we may produce other types of candles, common or typical longer and taller ones, etc.....
[IL] [F336565] 以色列求购蜡烛机(Candle Machine) (12-06)
  Please let us know offer for Tea-Light Candle Manufacturing Machine, with photographs & if possible a video of operation, if the same can be offered by you from China. Awaiting your reply.
[PH] [F287748] 菲律宾求购蜡烛机(candle machine) (12-07)
  Good day, I want to establish a candle factory. But I need to know how many equipments I need to produce my desired candle per day. Please help me, I need to know with equipments. Thanks and good day
[IN] [F259141] 印度求购生日蜡烛机(Birthday candle machine) (09-23)
  We P.R.Matches world is a professional sourcing and marketing co from India. We deal many items from China. Now we have one customer looking for Birthday candle making machine. It should be of double ...

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